04 januar 2012

Aiming for the ocean / Sikter mot havet

(EN) Today we were heading out to recover the recordings from one of the three oceanographic stations that were installed below the floating ice two years ago. Our instruments are located in the water at several hundred meters depth, but the data storage and batteries are buried in the snow on the surface of the ice shelf.

(NO) I dag dro vi ut for å samle målingene frå en av våre tre oseanografiske stasjonene som ble installert under den flytende isen for to år siden. Instrumentene befinner seg på flere hundre meter dybde mens minne og batteriene er gravd ned i snøen på isbremmens overflate.

Tore digging out the oceanographic instruments. Apparently there came a lot of snow this winter and, such that we had to dig down more than two meters. Photo: Elvarorn.com


Digging is followed by computerwork. Reading out data storage in the improvised outdoor-office. Photo: Elvarorn.com


Taking a break before putting things back in place and going back home for dinner. Photo: Elvarorn.com


Place / Sted

Troll Station, Antarctica

Time / Tid

03. Jan. 2011, kl. 15:00

Weather / Vær

Crystal clear sky / kristall klar himmel

Pressure / Trykk (hPa)


Wind speed / vindhastighet (m/s)


Wind direction / Vindretning


Temperature / Temperatur (°C)

+0.5 (measured) / -6.5 (down in the hole we dug…)

Posted by Tore Hattermann


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