Ofte må vi gjøre flere forskjellige målinger for å løse ett problem. Vi ønsker å vite isbremmenes massebalanse. Vi har beskrevet hvordan vi måler snøakkumulering og isens hastighet, men vi trenger å vite istykkelsen og hvordan tykkelsen endrer seg over tid. For slike målingene bruker vi forskjellige typer radarer. Et av radarsystemene vi bruker kan spore veldig små endringer i istykkelsen gjennom ett år. Vi må gjenta målinger med denne radaren neste år.
Enkeltmålinger av snødybde, snøtetthet, isens hastighet, og istykkelsen forteller oss ikke så mye som alle disse målingene gjør samlet. Ved å samle disse utfyllende datasettene kan vi beregne massebalansen for isbremmene, noe som bringe oss et skritt nærmere vårt endelige mål.
(ENG) Often, we need to collect several different measurements to solve one problem. We want to know the mass balance of the ice rises. We have described how we measure snow accumulation and ice velocity, but we need to know the depth of the ice and how the ice thickness is changing over time. For these measurements we use different types of radar. One of the radar systems that we use can detect very small changes in the thickness of the ice over a year. We will need to conduct repeat measurements with this radar next year.
Individually, the measurements of snow depth, snow density, ice velocity, and ice thickness changes do not tell us as much as all of these measurements together. By collecting these complimentary data sets we can calculate the mass balance for the ice rises, bringing us one step closer to our final goal.
Enkeltmålinger av snødybde, snøtetthet, isens hastighet, og istykkelsen forteller oss ikke så mye som alle disse målingene gjør samlet. Ved å samle disse utfyllende datasettene kan vi beregne massebalansen for isbremmene, noe som bringe oss et skritt nærmere vårt endelige mål.
(ENG) Often, we need to collect several different measurements to solve one problem. We want to know the mass balance of the ice rises. We have described how we measure snow accumulation and ice velocity, but we need to know the depth of the ice and how the ice thickness is changing over time. For these measurements we use different types of radar. One of the radar systems that we use can detect very small changes in the thickness of the ice over a year. We will need to conduct repeat measurements with this radar next year.
Individually, the measurements of snow depth, snow density, ice velocity, and ice thickness changes do not tell us as much as all of these measurements together. By collecting these complimentary data sets we can calculate the mass balance for the ice rises, bringing us one step closer to our final goal.
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Joel collecting radar data on ice rise C. Bilde / photo: Peter Leopold |
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